Persuasive Argument

1. What came first: the chicken or the egg? Why? Give some reasons.

In my opinion, I think egg comes before chicken because the start of chicken’s life comes from egg. If there is no egg, where can the chicken come from? I think that God gave everything to us from their starting point, like gave us an egg before chicken. Everything comes from it start. Compare to the baby, there is no way that mother will give birth to the adult. So egg comes before chicken, everything starts from little thing first.

2. Are looks important? Do good looking people get better grades? Give stories and ideas.

I think looks are very important to people but we should not care them too much. In kid life, most of the teachers in the kindergarten gave good grades to the cute kid. In high school life, looks are still important to the student but if students care too much about their looks, their grades might drop because they take time for beauty too much. There is some story that looks are very important, if there are two people, one with good look and handsome face and other with dirty look and messy hair. And if you choose one person to talk with, you will probably choose the one with good look. This shows that looks are very important in your daily life.

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